Monday, June 27, 2011

Grants & Scholarships Awarded

Women & Giving
The 2011 Women & Giving event raised nearly $20,000. Women designated a total of $5,740 for the Women & Giving Endowment. There was $2,579.27 remaining from last year's granting dollars, so the total available for granting this year was an impressive $16,522.96.

The Women & Giving Steering Committee awarded the following grants:
Interlakes Community Action - Smile Mobile ..........................$1,250
Kiwanis Coats for Kids ............................................................$500
LATI Educare .........................................................................$500
Lake Area Zoological Society Girls Rule .................................$3,000
Elementary Schools' Social Worker ...........................................$750
PACH (People Against Child Hunger).....................................$1,000
Volunteers of America - Dakotas ...........................................$1,000
Watertown Area Special Olympics .........................................$1,000
Watertown Police Dept. Explorers ..........................................$2,000
Watertown Regional Library......................................................$500
Watertown Resource Center ..................................................$1,000
"Needy Fund" Watertown High School .....................................$500
LATI Scholarships:
Krystal Weber ......................................................................$1,000
Michelle Sterry .....................................................................$1,000 LATI Scholarship
2011 Fall LATI Scholarships (set aside)..................................$2,000

The Women & Giving Endowment Fund now has just over $10,000 so it will begin distributing earnings for 2012 grantmaking. All of the above grants and scholarships will no doubt help Women & Giving fulfill its mission: To help women and children in the community overcome barriers, increase their opportunities and achieve their goals. Thank you Women & Giving!

Sprucing Up Landscaping Gets Makeover at the Mellette House

The south and east landscaping at the Mellette House is being revitalized thanks to a grant from the Foundation. Thank you donors.

Sioux Valley Nursery and the Mellette Memorial Association worked together to select plants that were attractive and appropriate for the historic house and which require little maintenance. Lake City Tree Service also trimmed trees.

Take the opportunity this summer to visit the Mellette House. Hours are Tuesday through Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. through September.

Shelter Welcomes Helping Hands & Hearts

The first nonprofit organization to be featured in the Future Philanthropist Program is the Glacial Lakes Humane Society of Watertown.

Currently, the animal shelter is home to 25 dogs and 50 cats. The shelter is always looking for volunteers to help with walking dogs, feeding, bathing, etc. The Humane Society's current wish list includes a shade cover for the big kennels outside.

Future Philanthropists will see and hear first hand how the shelter works on a tour this summer. Participants will get the opportunity to help this nonprofit organization that serves so many animals in need.

Future Philanthropists Wants You

Future Philanthropists introduces children, typically ages 6 to 13, to at least one local nonprofit organization each year as well as the idea of giving, volunteering and philanthropy in general. Familes will get a behind-the-scenes tour, learn about the specified organization and get the opportunity to help that nonprofit.

The program is a win-win as parents and/or grandparents teach their children/grandchildren about organizations and the importance of giving while the nonprofits gain new friends as well as dollars for their efforts. The Watertown Community Foundation will match each family's gift up to $100 for the organization.

If you would like to sign up for Future Philanthropists or would like more information, please call the Foundation office at 882-3731 or email:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fun at the Zoo

DESIGN TIME - Watertown Community Foundation Youth Council member Alexa Moeller paints a special picture on the wrist of Grace Highbear of Watertown during the annual Free Day at Bramble Park Zoo sponsored by the Youth Council. More than 800 people attended the event which included informational programs on conservation as well as various species at the zoo.

Girls Share Service Projects

FURRY FRIEND - Here Girls Rule participant, Kenedy, shares information about guinea pigs with Jan Johnson of the Watertown Community Foundation Women & Giving group. This year was the third consecutive year that Women & Giving supported the Roots & Shoots program for 16 local girls at Bramble Park Zoo. The girls shared this year's projects at their last session for the year. The projects ranged from dogs, the Humane Society, Jenkins Living Center and cats to turtles. Women & Giving and Watertown Area Transit provided transit tickets to the girls so they can continue their projects this summer.

May Grants at a Glance

At this month's Foundation Board meeting, the following grants were awarded:
$2,000 to Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation to support the purchase of yellow roses. The roses are for Yellow Rose Week which raises funds for the Suzanne B. Jacobson Memorial Fund which awards grants to people with life-threatening illnesses.
$500 to support a fundraiser this summer for the Mellette House and Town Players. The event will include the comedy
play, "Fully Committed," and desserts by Bill Zubke.
In other business, Dave Weigel, representing the local PACH (People Against Child Hunger) spoke to the Board. Weigel said the pilot project, which sent nearly 100 backpacks of food home with various students each weekend through April and May, went well and thanked the Foundation for its support. Plans for the 2011-12 school year are under way.