Monday, February 14, 2011

Making Smiles Women & Giving Members See Grant At Work

ALL ABOUT IT - Carrie Mikkonen (far right), Dakota Smiles Mobile manager, gives a detailed tour of the Smile Mobile to Women & Giving members, from left, Jill Duklet, Jan Johnson, Colleen Hestad and Nancy Linneman.
The Dakota Smiles Program saw 51 patients in Watertown in late 2010. The program, brought by Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership and Delta Dental, was sponsored in part by the Foundation's Women & Giving group. It was the first dental visit for many of the patients. Seventeen of the patients had been to the mobile previously. The total production of the local visit, including diagnostic, preventative and restorative procedures came to $17,858. 2010 was the fourth consecutive year that Women & Giving has supported the effort.